Fri, May 31 - Sun, Jun 2, 2024

Sommer Schnell - HPDE 2024

Brainerd International Raceway

About this event

Join North Star BMW Club the weekend of May 31 - June 2, 2024, for Sommer Schnell, our annual performance driving school, on the Brainerd International Raceway (BIR) competition course!

Your high-performance vehicle is an amazingly capable car. At our Sommer Schnell HPDE, you can realize your car's capabilities, learn the limits of those capabilities under controlled conditions, and practice the skills needed to control your car safely within those limits. This two-day program, hosted by our Chapter since the 1980s, provides a unique opportunity to drive your car at speed and experience the thrill of becoming one with your vehicle.

Sommer Schnell is open to drivers, 18 years or over, of all experience levels, with all makes and models of hardtop cars. 

Friday, May 31, is an open lapping day for instructors and pre-approved, advanced/A-Plus level drivers with a verifiable driving history. Friday is also an excellent opportunity for newer drivers or those unfamiliar with BIR to come out and watch from various vantage points along the course. Or, catch a ride with an instructor (helmet required)!

Please contact if you have questions on qualifications or have not driven with us during our advanced/instructor days. 

Participant Price

  • Saturday and Sunday: Cost is $525 ($475 - early registration through March 31)
  • Add Friday (advanced/A-Plus drivers only): Cost is $350
  • Friday Only: $350 (advanced/A-Plus drivers only)

Hotel Reservations

Make a reservation soon. Hotels fill up fast. 

We blocked rooms at these two hotels. Call to reserve and mention "North Star BMW Club" to get the discount rate. 

Days Inn & Suites Baxter - $124.00 + tax per night (3 or more nights), $149 + Tax per night (2 nights)
14466 Dellwood Drive North, Baxter, MN  56425
(218) 829-3080 

Rapid River Lodge - $164.00 + tax per night (without waterpark)
7376 Woida Rd, Baxter, MN 56425

(218) 825-7234

Saturday Night Dinner 

We continue the long-standing tradition of hosting dinner at Baia Della Italian Kitchen (Formerly Prairie Bay Grill) on Saturday evening, June 1, at 7:00 PM. The cost is $47; meal choices are listed on the registration page.

Track Site Registration 

Advanced track registration will be held at Baia Della Italian Kitchen on Friday, May 31, from 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM. Details will be emailed to all registered attendees in advance. Plan to show up early, enjoy some appetizers, and hang out with fellow drivers and instructors. Ensure that the following items are in hand for registration!

  1. Driver's License
  2. Helmet (Snell EA or SA years 2015 or 2020)
  3. Completed and signed tech inspection form

Cancelation Policy

If your plans should change, you may designate a substitute to attend in your place. If you need to cancel your registration, you may do so through May 22, 2023. No refund will be made after May 22, 2024. Refund will be made to the original form of payment. 

Have Questions? Please email us at

Event requirements

Please read all the following details before registering.

BMW Car Club of America (BMW CCA) Membership

BMW CCA membership is required to attend this event. Join or renew by visiting  A 1-year membership is $58.

Vehicle Types Allowed

All makes and models of hardtop cars are welcome.

SUVs, vans,Targa, and t-tops are NOT allowed at Performance Driving School events. 

Convertibles - A factory-installed convertible hardtop is allowed. All others are not allowed without:

  • A roll bar or a roll cage that meets event specifications. Must have approval from the event coordinator or chief instructor.
  • Arm restraints in soft-top vehicles
  • Five (or more)-point harnesses for both driver and passenger

Contact us at before registering to discuss your convertible vehicle or equipment configuration. 


A Snell EA (Elite Application) or SA (Special Application) rated helmet years 2015 or 2020 is required.  If you do not have a helmet, rentals are available in the twin cities.  Please get in touch with the event coordinator for details.

Tech Inspection

A vehicle tech inspection must be performed, and a “Driving School Technical Inspection” form must be completed, signed, and turned in during track site registration in June. The form can be downloaded from North Star Technical Inspection Form 2024.

Motorwerks BMW is offering a complimentary tech inspection by appointment between May 6 and May 24 during regular service hours (Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 3:00, and Saturday, 8:00 - 1:00). Call 888-866-0520 and tell the service representative you’d like to schedule a “BIR performance driving school tech inspection”. Bring a copy of the “Pre-Event Technical Inspection” form to your appointment.

Drivers can also choose to have a different shop complete the inspection and sign the Driving School Technical Inspection form (at their own expense). 

A completed and signed form is required for the event check-in at Brainerd in June, so don’t forget to bring it along!

Summer Driving School at Dakota County Technical College (DCTC)

Although not required, attending our Spring Driving School on April 28 at DCTC before Sommer Schnell is highly recommended for novice or first-time track drivers. 

Entries (96)

James Redmond
Michael Cooper
Christopher Bayliss
Brandon Walzer
Bruce Carlson
Isaac Rooney
Jim Newman
Casimir Sienkiewicz

Brainerd International Raceway

Brainerd, MN
Download track map
Download track map


HPDE organized by

BMW CCA - North Star Chapter

More events from this organizer
North Star BMW Spring Driving School
North Star BMW Spring Driving School
Dakota County Technical College

Event over!